Our goal
Most of the customers have moved over the last few years from retail stores to online customer zones. Not only do they save time, but the information is available to them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.
Let your customers know they are important to you. We'll set up a customized zone for you both on the web and on the mobile app.
Customer zones created by us
We treat every project as our own, because your success is our best reference.
- Kalkulátor.cz (Calculator)
The only Czech web price comparison tool that compares prices and terms of household commodities and insurance in order to keep an eye on continuous savings.
- Sousedé.cz (Neighbours)
Web site and app that connects facility manager with the board of Association of unit owners. The aim is to simplify facility management and overall communication.
- E.ON Virtuální baterie (E.ON Virtual battery)
Solar energy charged with guaranties nowhere else to be found. E.ON Virtual battery - 100% energy from your roof.
- Sečteno
Sečteno (Summed) simplifies accounting, offers current overview about company cash flow, invoices, suppliers and bank accounts. All on-line.
How customer zones are created in our company
- 01
Introductory workshop
Mutual expectations need to be set at the beginning. We need to understand your vision, strategy and the context in which the product is being developed. Of course, budget and business model play an important role.
- 02
Research and Product definition
A great user experience starts with a good understanding of the users themselves. Well-conducted research forms the basis for decisions throughout the product development process. It can save a lot of time and money. At the end of the research, there should be a perfectly defined customer zone based on the needs of your customers.
- 03
UI Design
The whole process begins with the creation of wireframes. This is a design that is not yet beautiful, but shows the layout of the elements in the user interface. Thanks to it, we can fine-tune the wording and test the entire customer area quickly and easily. Finally, we will design a modern eye-catching design according to your corporate identity. If you don't have one yet, we'll be happy to help you create one.
- 04
Agile Development
The creation of digital products is based on partnership and good information. That's why we use an agile approach for development. The process is divided into weekly or bi-weekly "sprints" where we jointly present the current status of both the development and the hours spent on it. The goal is to make sure the project is moving in the right direction.
- 05
Marketing & Product Development
The launch of the final product is not the end of our work, but the beginning. At this stage, it's time to measure and monitor users behaviour. By collecting feedback, we then fine-tune the client zone to perfection and add more features. We don't forget about personification, which will keep your customers coming back to your website.