Work in UX Fans
We are always looking for new talents.
Are you interested but haven't found a suitable position? You can contact us via email at hi@uxf.cz and tell us why you'd like to work with us.
What do you need to work with us?
Passion for what you do
Desire to improve yourself
Enthusiasm for new technologies
A friendly personality
About us
How does it work in our company?
We give everyone the opportunity to study as part of their working hours.
We give each other feedback and share experiences in regular 1:1 and team meetings.

"We didn't establish the company to maximize our profit. We wanted to create a place where we would like to work, we would work in modern technologies, on projects that we enjoy."

Tomáš Valoušek
co-founder at UXF

We prefer to spend time together under the same roof, but you can work from home as well.
Our offices are located in the most beautiful part of Liberec, at the tram terminus in “Lidové sady”. The Jizera Mountains start right behind our house and opposite us, there is the entrance to the ZOO.

Multisport card and a company beer tap. These two benefits describe our company's culture probably best.

We keep the team together even outside working hours. In our free time, we like to run together into the forest, go for culture and to the pub.
After 25 years of work experience, if I had to compare a corporation and a startup, I would say this:
CorporationStartupclassical musicpunk rock100% routinedaily centrifugesenseless processesorganized chaosfix working hours24 hours per a daycolleaguesteammatesdress codecomfort

Karolína Jonášová